March 20, 2011

Parking and Other Transportation for Church

Alright folks since a few have asked we are going to give you some suggestions for public transportation and parking.  The 2 closest stations are Kenmore Square and Museum Of Fine Arts, both on the Green Line.  As far as parking goes there is an alley right next to the club and that brings you to a lot behind the club.  There is some parking available on Kilmarnock St. as well.  Boylston St. is another good option as it is all metered parking, but it's also Sunday so you don't need to feed the meters!  If you are still really stuck there is parking on Van Ness St. as well as various parking garages in the area within a short walk. If you park on side streets check to make sure you are in visitor or 2 hour parking and not resident parking.  Below are 2 maps... one for walking from the T the other pointing out parking.


Walking from the T


  1. Good idea of posting this! When they did the first viewing party last year, my friend and I drove to Boston all the way from CT only to drive around 4 times to park in a CVS lot and get the car towed! (Still a blast though). Hope our respective parties are successful! LET'S GO REVS!

  2. fenway station outbound not closer?

  3. It is close, I live in the area and never use it however, that being said most of the lines for the Green Line run through Kenmore so I just use it to make it less confusing.

  4. Thanks for the help Brian.
